billy hughes

New member
hiiii, i just got my webber smoker and the truth is i'm scared to death to use it, but it sure is fun reading all of ur posts and comments....i'll be smokin pretty soon but i have been reading alot on here first. one question i have is...i understand that i want to get a rack reading, guessing top rack, but do i place the probe right on the rack r have it suppended somehow above it? other then that i'm pretty much ready i think, i hope....i pray.....loll...i'm on the mississippi coast so hi to everyone, and ty for ur response
Hi Billy and welcome to the board! No need to be nervous, the WSM is very easy to use. You've already found the best source of info on how to operate and modify it. With regards to rack temps, there's a number of ways to do that. For your 1st cook I'd recommend just dropping a fry thermo down through the top vent. Very inexpensive and pretty accurate. For more info, check out: http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/measuretemp.html
hi paul ty alot for getting back to me....
i did read on here about useing a tater to stabalize the probe.....
i seen a ET 72 i think but it only has a single probe, thinking i wil get the double probe everyone else is using....i haven't figured out yet why i need to know the dome temp. if my cooking is being done on the 2 racks, i'm guessing that where i really need to know the temp....just a guess.....

theres only my wife and i so i haven't figured out yet what i'll do with all this smoked meat.....i can freeze it but even that has to stop sometmes, like grilling i just like doing it, sure its great eating to but my fun is cooking it....all this and i haven't even got the thing lit yet...loll...sure is fun reading tho...excellent site....ty my friend
You can be as serious or as casual about cooking as you want to. Some like to keep a log of what the temp is every hour some like to just let it do it's think and pull the food off when it is done. I have used a digital therm. monitoring the gril temp and the food temp. And I have just stuck a therm in the vent hole and check the food torward the end of the expected cooking time.

I think the most important thing is to control your temp of the grill and that will come with practice. However is pretty easy. Just read some post a copy what others do then you can modify to what you like. The best thing is the wsm is almost fool proof. I can put butts on at 6 at night and not even check them until 6 the next morning and they turn out great. The best thing about bq is changes and the fun you can have. Be flexible and let the cooker do the work and the food will be ready when it is ready sometime it cooks a little faster than last some times it cooks a little slower.
I'm new to the WSM as well. I've been using a candy therm in the top vent for temp. I adjusted the clip so both sides of it and the stem go into the top vent hole. To prevent it from wiggling around, I put a wadded up small piece of foil in the space between the stem and one side of the clip, twisted it around the stem.
Food temp/doneness is an issue with me because of some health issues I have. Again, from my limited experience with the WSM, don't go by the published "safe" food temps for the various meats you'll be smoking. Go by the doneness temps on this site. I learned that because an internal temp for a safe piece might be 165, that piece might not be done for eating enjoyment purposes . The safe temps, from what I've been able to see, are lower than what you want to eat the food. Again, no expert by any means, but food borne sickness is no fun I'll tell you.
You'll have fun with the cooker. Everyone seems to think that the WSM is the best. Good luck

If you're looking at Mavericks I have the ET-73 (there's a lot of chatter on the board about these and other units) and I'll give you some points that I like about it and dislike:

1) This answers your question about probe placement; it comes with a grate adapter/connector that allows you to set your probe either approximately 1/2 inch above or below the grate.
2) Has a meat probe in same unit.
3) You can set high and low temps for both probes and the unit will sound an alarm if you go outside these boundaries, great for overnight smokes!

1) I HATE where the power switch is, you have to remove the battery cover to turn it on.
2) Some have complained of wireless range . . . I haven't experienced this problem but I hear there's a mod out there for this.

Hope this helps you make your decision. Don't be "scared," embrace this as a new, fun and very rewarding hobby. There's nothing like your family and friends telling you, "these are the best ribs I've ever had" on your 3rd smoke with your unit! As Paul mentioned, there's a wealth of information on this board and the people are so willing to share and mentor. I've been in the middle of a smoke (on a holiday) and had a problem arise and posted and had several people reply in "real-time" with suggestions and tips to correct my problem. You "ain't" going to get that kind of support from Microsoft! Anyway, enjoy and welcome aboard!
hi, i tell u what...this has got to be the friendlest board i have ever been on....u guys/girls r great....

trouble is when i do something i do it all the way....i haven't even fired that sucker up yet and i'm thinking....ok where can i sell my smoked meat, lolll....but thats the fun of it to me....theres an old bread truck near by for sell cheap....i could convert that in to something, i use to sell shrimp off the road i loved that, meeting new people, i had a blast....anyway just thinking out loud...ty guys for the tips, i just love reading this board...Billy

With these questions, you have come to the right place. No question is too basic to be answered. You just got to jump in. Regarding your temp question, I just bought a turkey fryer thermo from Home Depot and that has done the trick for me. I am going to get the Maverick 73 but I haven't yet. Just invite your friends over and serve them up what you made. As my butcher told me, the best thing about BBQ is that you can eat your mistakes.

Good Luck and keep asking.


