Temp Monitoring Question


Roger P

TVWBB Member
Here's something I've been struggling with.. When I do a big cook and I have the WSM full of meat, I want to monitor the grate temp (obviously) as well as meat temps. Right now, I have a Maverick ET-72 (Single probe) and a cheap candy thermometer sticking through the top vent. The cheapo gives me the lid temp fine, however for the start of a cook I like to use the Maverick to monitor the grate temp. Later on in the cook, I have to move the Maverick probe into the meat - problem is, if I'm cooking say butts on the top rack and a brisket on the bottom, and only have one probe, how can I monitor multiple meats?

To the question - I'm probably going to order an ET-73 soon (like, now.) Can I use both the ET-72 and ET-73 (both with their wireless receivers) essentially giving me 3 probes to work with, or will they interfere with one another?

I guess a better way to ask the question: How do YOU monitor multiple temperature points in a single cooking session? Do you move probes around? Do you use multiple probes connected to multiple base units? Cheapo meat therms? Do tell.. what's the best method? Seems that monitoring temps when I'm cooking a lot of meat is getting to be a pain for me. Do tell! Thanks!
I'd have to say, for the most part, bbq is an art and not a science. Monitoring of all temperatures is not critical. Keep track of the pit temperature and of the meat you think will be finished first, then move the probe to the next meat you think will be finished.

I generally monitor the smoker's temp with an inexpensive fry thermo run thru and eyelet right under the top grate: http://home.austin.rr.com/kida/thermo%20003.jpg
The corks hold it snug. For long cooks like butts and brisket, I don't constantly check meat temps as I've had bad luck with digital probes that I've left in. I'll start checking (with a digital probe) after x-amount of hours to get a read on how they're coming along, but I don't leave the probe in all the time.

