Temp Control on 22" WSM



New member
Good Morning:
I have both an 18" and a 22" WSM. I've had the 18" for years and have never had an issue maintaining consistent lower temperatures (225 - 250) with the top vent fully opened. I purchased the 22" about a year ago and have still not figured out how to keep the temp below 250 without closing the top vent over half way. I use the minion method most of the time but have tried placing a brick on the charcoal grate and putting the charcoal around it and having it burn from one end, around the brick until it reaches the other end. Even with the bottom vents fully closed, I end up needing to close the top vent part way. I always thought closing the top vent at all was a big no-no, but I really have no choice. I have put gasket on the charcoal door thinking that air might be getting in around it, but it hasn't helped. The food has always tasted good with no bitterness from creosote, but I'm concerned it could happen. Any tips are appreciated. Thanks!

maybe its leaking from a poor fit? perhaps the door is letting too much air in? I know this doesn't help you but I can keep mine 225-250 with just bottom vent adjustments and once it is set it just runs. I would look into how everything is fitting together first
Try running a test burn....a good amount of charcoal burning hot, throw on some throw away wood and when everything looks like a forest fire close the top vent and see where smoke comes out....this could show you where to look
I generally use the top vent to help control temp and have never had a flavor issue with "creosote" flavor. I think those off flavors would come more from using wood that is too green / not seasoned (aged) properly. Using wood that's too green is not usually an issue when you use "store bought" because all of that wood is dry-kiln processed to keep bugs from being inadvertently shipped around the country.

You can always try lighting off with a little less charcoal in the beginning of your cook as well. Is your "minion method" a "doughnut" where you dump all the lit coals in a hole in the middle, or are you sort of sprinkling your lit coals all over? I have better temp control luck with the doughnut.
Thank you for the advice. I am going to try the test burn and see if I see the source of air leaks. As for the minion method, I fill the ring with charcoal and sprinkle the coals all over. I've not heard of the "doughnut" method, so I will give that a try too. Thanks again!
I do the donut thing with the 22, on the smaller smokers I just dump on top. I do think it is an air leak issue
Martin -- have you told us if you are using the water pan/water?

The WSM is designed to run at a default temp of 225-275 with pan/water.

If you are trying to run 250 without pan/water then your operations have to be much more precise. Because you aren't driving with the brake on.

So you have to be careful with how many lit coals you start with -- you may need only 15-ish on a hot day. And I would recommend the so-called Harry Soo donut for your Minion burn. And you might have to run with two bottom vents fully closed and the third 1/4 or less. Harry also buries his wood under the charcoal pile, which should also help with temps. Wood burns hotter the charcoal, so throwing wood chunks on top of the pile can cause the wood to catch fire and burn faster.

If you are doing all those things down below, you probably should be able to keep the top vent open. But closing the top vent is perfectly OK. The top vent/dirty smoke thing is, imo, a complete myth. Harry says using the top vent is ok. Since I use an ATC, SOP is to have the top vent always 1/4 or less.

My guess is that you are just using too much lit. Try a Soo donut with just 10 coals and tell us your results. I bet you'd run 250 or less.
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