Talk to me about Ruth Chris steaks

I would guess that the majority of the users of this forum can grill a steak equal to or surpassing what you
get at Ruths Chris. You really do not need 1800 degrees to grill steak. Crank up your kettle with some prime
steaks, you can do it too.
I agree. It's all about the quality of meat and the dry aging process. If you can find a butcher that will sell you prime dry aged steak, you could surpass Ruth's Chris. That sort of beef just isn't available everywhere.
Who had the post about dry aging in the fridge? I just searched but came up blank...

Ruth's Chris???? ehhhhhhhhh
that's about the trick! I'm with him until he pulls out the sissy pan - cast iron baBy! If not the fire & a little smoke wood, that is.
Ruths Chris is the reason I am here with like 14 grills (my wife only sees five on the patio, don't tell her about the ones that are in hiding). I absolutely had to recreate that steak when I had one five years ago. I started with a kettle, then some bge's, and I have come close, but its the meat that does it. My bge's get to inferno temps, but like others have said, its the high quality dry aged steak. I have dry aged a choice New York strip loin for 30+ days at home using the dry bag steak product, and it was good, but not as good as prime. I plan to do another next time, hopefully find a prime hunk o cow, and this time its going to be ribeye because of the extra fat.
try the prime NY strips from Costco (skip the ribeye there this time), or go to Harmons and get a dry aged porterhouse.

....What do you have to cook on?

Looks like you have a good assortment....try a ripping fire with a little hickory on it, direct, for....???8 minutes a side at this elevation??? This might burn it to a crisp on your fancy ceramics, but with a lot of coals on a big black egg, or a kettle with at least 1.5 chimneys banked to one side it's just about right.

I've had some good steakhouse steaks, but nothing compares to home.
This brings back memories. My brother was in town Fourth of July weekend and offered to take us there. Said sure, to good to pass up but i'd just as soon stay here and cook and save a dollar. We went, I got the porterhouse and it was really good and cooked to the right doneness but I'd just as soon have one grilled at the house for the price of one of those things. I think they say its cooked at 1800 and brought out on the plate at 500 or something like that. (Didnt see the videos)
Save your money and eat at the house unless someone else offers. :)
Never had one. Outta my price range. So my feelings, I cook the best darn steaks in the world. If course this is a biased opionion. :)
You can do your own dry age steaks using these bags. I have never tried it but they seem to work good.

I've been dry aging my steaks using these bags for a few years now and the results are great. I typically buy either a USDA Choice ribeye sub primal or sirloin from BJ's and age them for about 35-40 days.

After trimming the roast down, I usally can slice the subprimal into 10-12 very nice 2" thick steaks and seal them up using my food saver. They grill up great. They cook a bit quicker than traditional steaks. On a very hot grill (700 degrees) It's about 2 minutes per side and then off to a cool side of the grill for another minute or so.

Damn, now I'm hungry for a steak!
As far as steakhouses go Ruths Chris is the best steak i've ever had. Was even better than Morton's in Chicago. Now thats a way over hyped steak house. That being said I'd still rather cook my own steak on the kettle at home.
As far as steakhouses go Ruths Chris is the best steak i've ever had. Was even better than Morton's in Chicago. Now thats a way over hyped steak house. That being said I'd still rather cook my own steak on the kettle at home.
I agree Matt, Morton's wasnt all that or BLT in Charlotte.
I've been dry aging my steaks using these bags for a few years now and the results are great. I typically buy either a USDA Choice ribeye sub primal or sirloin from BJ's and age them for about 35-40 days.

After trimming the roast down, I usally can slice the subprimal into 10-12 very nice 2" thick steaks and seal them up using my food saver. They grill up great. They cook a bit quicker than traditional steaks. On a very hot grill (700 degrees) It's about 2 minutes per side and then off to a cool side of the grill for another minute or so.

Damn, now I'm hungry for a steak!

Hello fellow Andy,

I've been reading about dry aging and I'm going to do a 2-day dry aging to start with. Once I pull it out of the fridge, Will I be dealing with any mold? or is 2 days too short for mold to appear? Will I need to trim the meat? What should I expect?
Andy, are you dry aging individual steaks? If so I would recommend you do it as in the Alton Brown link in my post above. No mold at all, but two days in definitely not enough.
I believe these fellows with the bags are talking about aging a whole side of rib eyes and cutting them themselves. For individual steaks do as the link shows you.
Andy, are you dry aging individual steaks? If so I would recommend you do it as in the Alton Brown link in my post above. No mold at all, but two days in definitely not enough.
I believe these fellows with the bags are talking about aging a whole side of rib eyes and cutting them themselves. For individual steaks do as the link shows you.

Will check it out tonight. Thanks!
they throw a stick of butter on top of all their steaks. and no i'm not exaggerating. personally i think it ruins the seasoning, but each to their own.
There's so much science to cooking and the learning process and theorizing is what makes it fun for me. I'm reading about butter at room temperature and they say it's better than cooking butter from a cold state--more flavor. I am making some steaks tonight and I'm preparing to garnish with butter. I'll probably stop by the 99 cent store to pick up some ceramic dinner plates and try to indirect-heat them in the grill. I've always hated eating off a cold plate that contributes to the food going cold sooner than later :)

