Taking the Weber on Vacation


Jimmy T

New member
I know Im not the only one who thought about this the second I lit it up for the first time? Does anybody? Any recommendations on how to pack it?
Do they make a foam lined pelican case big enough to store the WSM in?

Maybe I will seatbelt in the front seat and have the wife sit in the back with the dog...What do you think?
I have taken mine on a couple vacations. In the trunk of the car it fits nicely taken apart and stacked inside each other. No packaging necessary. In the 4 runner it stands up and looks out the window, I think it likes it best that way, again, no packaging necessary. Be sure to take xtra food (coal), and water for it, and let it out at night so it can stretch it's legs and get warmed up a bit.

gee, a Pelican case large enough to hold a WSM would probably cost 2x as much.

As MK suggested, just stack as much as you can in the very bottom, then get some bungie cords to hold it together and tether to a point in the vehicle.

If it's a bit dirty, go to a Moving Co/Box Outlet and get a tall dish or wardrobe box. If you're good with a knife and tape, you can easily build a custom box out of cheaper boxes.
I've let it stick it's nose in the breeze out the back of a pick up and even managed to get it in the back of a 3 door 91' Focus!! Travels quite well. Just make sure you empty the ash first!

