Tacos de pescado

Seasoning on the tilapia was Chipotle lime from Wild tree.

Relish was a not yet ripe mango, jalapeño that had no heat, red onion, lime juice and some Hot and Horny hot sauce to give it some kick.
Seasoning on the tilapia was Chipotle lime from Wild tree.

Relish was a not yet ripe mango, jalapeño that had no heat, red onion, lime juice and some Hot and Horny hot sauce to give it some kick.
I’d pay to watch you ask some random lady, “hey would you like some hot and horny hot sauce?”
Amazing cook! Like Rich G. shared we were just talking about how to prepare fish tacos in another thread. I love the mango salsa, I will be making that to the cook when I make fish tacos for the first time.

I went on a little of a deep dive into chipotle lime and chili lime rubs. The wild tree one looks great but with shipping looks like a pricy option for me. I am looking the trader joes, the oakridge bbq and the urban accents versions of the chili lime rub. Has anyone tried the trader joe version? Any thoughts comparing these three?
@Michael Richards, you asked about fish tacos in another thread.....here ya go! :)
I know right! This is what I love about this site!!! Every time I am on the cusp of trying or wanting to try something new and there it is, someone showing me exactly how to try to make it.
It was so good I made it again Thursday (no pics) and had a little leftover for lunch today.

The second batch of salsa was much better with ripe mango.

Here's today's lunch.

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Great cook. I gotta try this!
Just curious, have you ever been able to do tilapia right on the grates?

I haven't tried on grates. I think the fish is too flakey and will fall apart.

If you try it let us know how it works.

