Susan Z ribs

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Billy Hammond

Susan, I just read on a past post where you said your ribs turn out great on a kettle but you have trouble on the WSM. Is this correct? How do you do em on the kettle, direct heat, or indirect. Im asking because Ive always had trouble on the kettle so I was just assuming they would be easier on the WSM.. HELP!!!
The big key to great ribs is foiling them. I had avergae ribs on the grilss and the WSM until I started foiling them. It truly made all the difference in the world!!!
I do them indirect on the kettle, specialty is using the rotisserie (except for beef ribs, in which case it's still indirect, but standing in a rib rack).

Having said that, Greg's right that foiling (actually, a brief sear on direct heat, then foiling and using indirect heat) is the key to success on the kettle too.

I haven't tried foiling with the WSM yet tho.
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