Super Sunday Rub


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
Super Sunday Rub

1/4 c chili powder
1/4 c sugar
3 T black pepper
3 T salt
1 T garlic powder
1 T onion powder
1 t cayenne
2 t mustard powder (Oriental)
2 t coriander
1 t thyme
1 t fennel

After many months of 4 Pepper was time to try a new one. Super Sunday Rub was used on a brisket, butt and, shoulder cooked over night. I am pleased with the result. My Penseys order has not gone in so I was forced to create with what was on hand.
Your chili powder was a commercial mix, or was it just ground peppers (which I guess would be called "chile powder)?

Many recipes use "chili powder" (a mix of various peppers, garlic, onion, etc), and then more of those same ingredients. Always makes me wonder.
McCormic Chili Powder. I have used most of a 1 lb. jug....then if I ever get around to my Pensey's order, I'll mix my own. This rub has plenty of zip.

