Hello all. I rarely flip Summits because they are big heavy beasts that are more difficult to haul....take up more space in the shop....have more intricate ignitors ......infra red burners to deal with.....internal rusting of flavor bar shelf area......etc etc. I find that for the extra time that it takes me to get a Summit complete that I could have finished and sold two Genesis 300's which I can do in my sleep. Anywho....it is slim pickins right now so I scooped a free Summit and hope to be on a one way train to profit town USA. Heck I dont even know what model this is. I will call it a 4 series. I have spent all of 60 seconds looking at it only to determine it is probably 12 plus years old.....it has 9mm grates....bottom cabinet shelf is good......inside cookbox bar frame is rusted.....burners are very good. So before I jump in please send tips and tricks on quick flipping one of these beasts. I intend on just fabricating some metal to replace the inside cook box frame. I will include a pic down below.