Suggestions Please


Keith Pietranczyk

TVWBB Member
Well, I'm not new to this forum but really didn't know where to go with this. I'm having a party this weekend with about 25 people. The split of male to female is about even (few more males). I was planning on doing pulled pork and a few beer can chickens. The real question much of each to make? My thoughts were 3-4 shoulders (done with different sauces/styles) and 2-3 BCC's. Too much? Not enough? The party will be 8 - 9 hours and setup buffet style so I expect people to munch throughout the day. Your suggestions and input are welcome!!!

It depends on a couple of factors. How large are the shoulders you plan to buy? Remember they'll yield around 50% of their original weight. What other food will be offered? Sides, bread, salad, chips, etc. An extra chicken (insurance) will cost very little to add but a shoulder will run you more.

I cooked for 10 for July 4th. We did an 8 pound butt and 3 big racks (almost 9 pounds) of baby backs. For sides we had cornbread, greens, homemade mac n cheese, and other snacks (chips/dips). The group ate a little over half of the pulled pork, and only 2 of the rib racks.

2 large butts will probably do you just fine (3 smaller?), along with some chicken. Then again, leftovers never seem to hurt....

