Substitute for 'Dry Sherry'?


Charles Howse

TVWBB Wizard
Sorry if this is the wrong forum.

We want to make Chicken a la King from a recipe I found on
It calls for Dry Sherry to deglaze the pan, but I was wondering if we could sub something non-alcoholic that would be appropriate for this dish.

Not really. Not that will give you the flavor of sherry.

As written you'll lose about 60% of the alcohol during cooking. To lose more, increase the simmer time before adding the flour mixture and after as well.

To minimize further replace the 1 cup of sherry called for with 3/4 cup chicken stock plus 1/4 cup sherry. Increase simmer times as well.

To eliminate any possibility of alcohol and, unfortunately, the sherry flavor
, replace the sherry with chicken stock.
Thank you Kevin.
We're not opposed to the alcohol in or the flavor of Sherry, it's a budget kinda thing.
The liquor store won't take Food Stamps!
Dry vermouth. I use the Martini and Rossi Extra Dry and it's really cheap - like $3. It's not a super-duper substitute, but it'll do pretty well. Doesn't have the signature taste of sherry, but it's not bad. Really easy on the budget. Also, you can get a little hip flask of gin and have yourself a martini or two with your meal.

