Stupid Mistake...


Ron Pierce

TVWBB Member
The remains of an Oct 14th 2 butt cook remains in my refrigerator. We've only eaten a bit over half.

It wasn't divided and stored in freezer-bags, in the freezer, as intended.

Should I be thinking about throwing it away and making more, or is it OK? What is the guideline for smoked pulled-pork storage times?

I'd throw it out. If it doesn't make it to the freezer in 4 to 5 days I wouldn't trust it.

The 14th to the 31st is way too much time in the "fridge".
I'd join the others with the throw it out comments, then make sure the next time you do two, either pull them both and package and vacuum seal on day one after cooking, or cut off what you can use in the first 4 - 5 days and freeze the rest in large pieces or complete.

I had the same happen to me a couple of times before I bought my sealer, with the vacuum sealer it makes this part of life, so much less hassle.
I never throw anything away. My dogs are the fatest in the area and they never get sick! They both think that I am a fantastic yet forgetful cook. John.
I just got a second vacuum sealer, a Foodsaver. It was only $129 at Costco, and it includes three seperate cannisters for other ingredients as well. I can't say enough as to how useful these are. They will pay for themselves in about a year in food savings costs.I own an older model, but its sitting in storage.

I would recommend making each bag slightly larger than normal when storing, that way you can re-seal each bag and save $$$ on the bags.

Since I live alone, I usually take about one half of my pork butts, refridgerate it overnight, and then dice into half inch cubes. Then these get sealed and stored for when I make Keri's beans. It's quite a convienience. The other half disappears quick enough.

