Storing your grill equipment around mowers, gas cans, etc



TVWBB Member
Is there any discussion on this? I store my WSM and smokey joe in my shed, next to my mower, weed eater, gas cans, etc.

I was wondering if the gasoline smell can affect the smoker from a taste or health standpoint?

If you have a lot of "seasoning" in the WSM, I could see the smell making it's way into the WSM.

Just make sure all the coals are out...

Then again, how big is the shed and does it have ventilation?
you really shouldn't be having much gas smell at all. if you do you need to see what is leaking. and as mentioned, you should have good ventilation. i doubt you will get much gas smell in the cookers.
normally I don't have a gas smell, but I did yesterday when a gas can spilled a little and it made me wonder...

