Store baught ham!!


Ryan P.K.

Ok my friends, I bought a ham that was on sale last week. It is a #7 bone-in butt ham. I figure that I would cook with indirect heat on my 22.5" kettle. My question is this, at what temp should I cook at? How long? Or internal temp should pull it off the kettle? Also, should I do any type of foil?
"Ready to cook or ready to eat" ?
I usually look at the label to see what temps they recommend. If it's ready to cook I go 325 and remove at 150 and let it rest for a 160 finish. For ready to eat, 250 and pull at 120ish cause you're just warming it up.
I like to add some Maple/Hickory for a double smoked ham and use a glaze from Emeril which we like.

I just glaze for the last half hour watching that it doesn't get too dark or burn.
Oh and ramp the temps up to 350 or so for that last half hour.

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On ready-to-eat butt hams, I've had good luck by applying a rub and smoking over pecan chunks at 250 without a glaze. Your tastes may vary.
With a ready to eat, I start glazing it from the start. I use honey and dijon mustard as a glaze I reapply about every 30-40 minutes. I use the temp recommended on the package though

