Storage time in frig


Craig C

Howdy all, I've got to smoke a pork butt and brisket in advance of a party next week. I would rather not freeze the meat. How long can I store them in the frig and be safe? What is the best way to reheat? Thanks for the help.
It's important to cool the meat fairly quickly for safety and quality reasons, as well. See here for a suggestion.
For butt, do you recommend a rest period (foiled for several hours), then pull and cool the rest of the way? Or skip the rest period, pull imediately once it comes off the smoker, and cool quickly?

If the butt is cooked till done (and not pulled shy of done in order for residual heat to finish it during the rest) then one need not rest longer than an hour. Redistribution of juices will have occurred by then. That said, if more convenient time- or schedule-wise to rest longer, feel free.

If, on the other hand, one is pressed for time, then the rest period can be shortened fairly successfully by placing the butt on a sheetpan on the counter and simply tenting with foil--not wrapping it tightly. 30-45 min later the juices should have sufficiently redistributed. I would not recommend less than a 30-minute rest.

