StokerX version 0.4

OK, I see the problem with the custom port number. It works fine for the initial query, and works if you're not using telnet mode, but I don't strip the custom port off the string before using it for telnet mode connection. So that fails.

I'll add a field for the http port in the next version.

I had a similar problem. Though I didn't mention it at first, when it was not graphing, it did not show a y-axis. See Joe's post from May 03, 2011 09:42 AM. For some reason playing with http vs telnet and changing lid detection values solved my problem. Perhaps it'll work for you.
I'm going to add some more sanity checking on graph limit values, and also for connection problems. For now, it'll probably just generate console messages until I can figure out how to fix it.

Joe the program ran like a charm on a long overnight/day cook... Its a pleasure to use it and hope that development can continue... much appreciated!
Originally posted by Murray Wilson:
Joe the program ran like a charm on a long overnight/day cook... Its a pleasure to use it and hope that development can continue... much appreciated!

I'm working on it, just kinda slowly. Lots of other projects going on at the same time.

I am trying to decide between Cyber Q and Stoker. Price difference is $1, so that makes no difference. Wifi and remote monitoring is a big deal and I use a Mac, so that kinda led me here.

I downloaded StokerX, but obviously with no stoker, there isn't much to look at. I usually cook 2-3 butts at a time, can I have 1 pit probe and 3 food probes and have it alarm on any of the 3 or all of the 3 food probes separately?

Can you change settings of the stoker from within StokerX? it seems to be 2 different programs for the winblows side, a stoker log monitoring program and a separate one for settings and such?

Are the settings changeable from the standard HTTP interface and then obviously any mac/pc/linux box can access them the same?

Sorry for the peppering, but I am trying to gather as much info as I can

While I am at it, lead time for Stoker is 4-6 weeks, is that only because the wifi is new and demand or is that the normal timeframe regardless?
I'll try to answer in order:

I use 1 pit probe and 2 food probes all the time. Not sure how many probes other users use. It should just work with many food probes. Multiple pit probes has not been tested. The built-in alarms in the Stoker are configured for each probe individually. I have not implemented alarms in StokerX yet. That'll be in the next version.

You can change the pit target temperature from StokerX. Right now, the UI does attempt to change the built-in Stoker alarms, but that will be removed when I go to StokerX alarms.

Yes, if you use the normal web interface, all settings are configurable, and it's easier to do it there then using the front panel buttons.

As I recall lead time used to be 2-3 weeks, so the longer lead time is probably due to demand for the new Wifi model.

Thanks for your time Joe, seems to have summed it up well.

So, I take it StokerX alarms will be a separate program?

