StokerLog under Crossover Linux/Mac?

Have you tried WINE? I am not familiar with Crossover, but WINE does well with most win32 applications. I see that stokerlog is .NET based, and depending on version it may take a little fiddling with to play nice in the WINE environment, but I'd bet you could get it working on your linux box.
Crossover and Wine are tightly intermixed. Crossover uses Wine as a base, but provides a commercial infrastructure. Essentially every Wine upgrade requires a quick prayer that complex applications still run, but Crossover smooths out the instabilities. In return, Codeweavers (makers of Crossover) employ several Wine developers (turns out coders of free software need to eat, too!). On the plus side, if you're willing to pay for Crossover they'll also take requests about what to support.

Some more information from the Wine Wiki on how Codeweavers interacts with the project:

Since I haven't had much luck with Crossover and StokerLog I doubt Wine would do much better, but if people are interested feel free to vote for Stokerlog support on the link in the first post.

