stoker v6

Hi Pat. Thanks for the kind words.

Yes, I can add that fairly easily. Just have to figure out the easiest way to put it on the interface.

I assume 4 different times/temps should be enough.
Great! 4 would be plenty. As for the interface, I'd have no problem with it being hidden in a menu button, like where the graph settings are. It's not necessarily something I would need a visual reminder of throughout the cook.

Boy, this timer thing was harder than I thought
. Wanted to make all of the independent and it took a while to iron out all the race conditions.

Anyway, here is a prototype to play with:

Go to Settings->Timed Cook. There, you see four rows. Those are the timed settings. Simply put the number of minutes from the time you "Start" stoker logging and the temperature you want to active after so many minutes. So you would use 90 if you want one hour and 30 minutes in the first box. And 300 for the temp.

Then check "Timed Cook" above the Start button and use Stokerlog as usual. You should immediately see two boxes below Timed Cook with the first box the elapsed time until the temp changes. And the second box, the temperature it would change it to.

For more information, leave the Timed Cook dialog open. There, you see a third column which gives a running count of when each timer runs out in minutes. Feel free to change things there as stokerlog is running. If you go backward though and hit the same time as current log time, then that timer will trigger together with it temperature value! No harm done though as you can change it again.

Note that as soon as a trigger hits, stokerlog must communicate with stoker over its slow link so you lose control of stokerlog for a few seconds (Status bar tells you this).

And I also fixed the problem with decimal points not showing in current fire temp. The font was a bit too big. I also fixed a crashing bug that I ran into. Plus made restart a bit more robust.

Let me know what you think. You can play with all of this in simulation mode (Control-A) without a fire....
One more thing. Once you adjust all of your timed settings, you can use Save in file menu to save it for the future!

One caveat though: make sure you close the Timed Cook dialog box before loading or saving the settings. Otherwise, it won't work.

What firmware version is the Stoker running? I know there was issues with the new firmware "breaking" StokerLog so I just want to be sure I'm in synch.

Rob, I am running on two year old firmware. Never upgraded my test stoker.

Developer is making sure that he maintains compatibility with stokerlog interface. So I have been told
. If he continues to test with stokerlog, we should not have issues with new firmware breaking things.

With that said, there should be no impact one way or the other. If current stokerlog works with your firmware revision, so should this one.

