Stoker - Fan going when I open lid?



TVWBB Member
Can someone tell me how I can keep my Stoker fan from kicking off every time I open the lid on me Egg? I've seen stuff out here about automatic lid detection, but it seems Stoker's don't do that? I'm not using Stoker Log as I'm a Mac guy, if that has anything to do with it. Currently I control off the webpage the Stoker serves up.

Thanks in advance.
As for not using StokerLog because "you're a Mac guy"... I'm a Mac guy as well... use Parallels Desktop (assuming your Mac is Intel-based) and run Windows that way. At this very moment I have a cook underway using my Mac... it works great!!
If you aren't going to use the stoker log then you will either have to unplug the fan for a few minutes or lower the target temperature for a while.
Thanks for the replies, Looks like my 'disconnect fan from Egg' solution is as good as any.

DJ - I can run parallels, but this would be the only reason I'd need windows, so I'm against going to that expense/etc just to get stokerlog. Thanks though.
Yes, it was an expense. StokerLog is actually the only reason I run Windows... I thought it was a (relatively) small incremental cost to be able to use this great program. YMMV
I assumed it was okay to just turn the Stoker off before you open the lid and then turn it back on when you close the lid.

Does turning the Stoker off and on cause a problem during a cook? Does this prevent the Stoker from "learning?"
It probably causes it to lose its recent memory of how your sensitive your fire has been to injection of air. You are no worse off though as if you open the lid, you disrupt the fire just the same.

Be sure that when you power cycle stoker that the fan briefly turns off after power on. If it stays on solid, then stoker is hung with the fan on and that won't be good!
StokerX is in development for those Mac users looking for an alternative to StokerLog. See

Open Lid detection is on the list for the next version. Unfortunately, that won't be until sometime in December since I'm going out of the country for a few weeks.

Please do post any other wish list items for StokerX in that thread.

Any input on what the temp drop thresholds should be for the open lid detection are welcome. Especially from Amir.

We use multiple WSMs when we compete and I highly recommend using the "Off for 5 Min" function which can be found in the Stoker's Blower menu. If you are using multiple cookers and turn off the Stoker when you open the lid you will also be shutting off the pit(s) with the closed lid(s). While this may not be that big of an issue for most people I think it is just good practice to use the Stoker feature instead of shutting everything down.

