Stoker Extension Cable Problem


Tim Barbee

New member
I bought the gold plated stereo 20ft cables from RadioShack. But when I hooked them up the Stoker Log mixed up what was the control cable and what was the pit or food sensors, at first it said there was no control. I checked the hook-up three times to be sure I had not hooked something up wrong. I then unplugged the extensions and use the factory cables plugged directly into the unit and the Log program was fine, so I know it was the extensions and not the Log program. Not sure where to go from here, I really need the extensions to be able to position the unit where I want it. Any advice?
Please use the browser interface to stoker and verify that the pit probe is associated with the blower. And that all the other probes are properly seen. Let us know how that part goes and we can then figure out what else we need to investigate.
a couple of suggestions:

1) Test the extensions with an audio headset to see if you get sound in both ears. You might need a 1/8 Male to iPod/earbud female conversion jack for this if you don't have 1/8 headphones

2)Plug in 1 probe at a time.

3)For the moment, forget about StokerLog and just use the box itself to do a temp scan. If the box doesn't see it then StokerLog wont either.

4)You could be adding enough length to the cable such that the resistance or other electrical properties of the cable has changed beyond the tolerance of what the Stoker expects. Extensions that come from the factory are less than a foot and are only there to allow more probes. They don't extend the probe length.

5)Call John at Rock's
Car has that funny noise at home, have it in the shop and it runs fine.
For the 4th time I reconnected the extension cables and now they are reading just fine. Sorry for the post. I’ll be doing some Boston Butts next Tuesday I’ll see how it dose then.

As a final check you might want to just take a normal kitchen thermo and let it come to temp at the same location as the pit probes. Make sure the temps on both are about equal. If not then you may need to recalibrate the stoker.

Originally posted by RobM (YankeeRob):

As a final check you might want to just take a normal kitchen thermo and let it come to temp at the same location as the pit probes. Make sure the temps on both are about equal. If not then you may need to recalibrate the stoker.


Is there anything about this thing that is plug-&-play? It seems like you need to be half computer programmer and half computer engineer to run it.

I heard a comedian say one time that he went to the doctor to get some help with his itchy watery eyes. The doctor gave him a pill, but when he looked at the side effects he found things like diarrhea, baldness, blindness, ingrown toenails, impendency, hammertoe, cancer, loss of limbs, deafness and toe fungus. He thought to himself “I would rather just have the itchy watery eyes.

The box is plug-and-play but not when its specifications are exceeded using cables not provided by them. That said, people have had good luck with these extensions other than maybe high powered blowers.
Yeah - What Amir said. If used as a stand alone unit as shipped it's as easy as pie. When you start customizing it then you need to do a little research. It's far easier to customize the Stoker than it is to do the same thing to its closest competitor.

Try finding a probe extension cable for a CyberQII or setting it up with wireless remote access for instance. This would take many more steps and probably some special connectors not found at your local Radio Shack.

No need to be a programmer, network admin or EE grad either. There's plenty of us in this forum and we're glad to help out ;-}


