stoke upgrade from .5


Randy Morris

New member
Trying to help a friend upgrade from an older version .5 to the latest version. Is this possible and if so where can i find the procedure. Have checked Stoker site and Kaytat site with no luck.
It is possible. I have one of the earliest Stokers and it was upgraded to the new firmware. There was a firmware update download available, but mine was upgraded by Rock's Bar-B-Que.

It appears that you can download the Version 2.0 update and go from 0.5 to 2.0. Apparently you can't go directly from Ver 0.5 to Ver 2.1.3, but unless you have the newer temperature sensors, you probably don't need 2.1.3 anyway. The readme.txt explains the process; it has a lot of dire warnings, but it is not as difficult as it sounds.

