Stogie question

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Big Ir

TVWBB Member
Hey Stogie,

When competing, does your team exclusively use a WSM or are there any other cookers in your corner??
Hi BigIr!

We use 2 WSM's and a Weber 22" Kettle. That's it!

We enjoy going to these events and beating all the "big rigs"!

We cook the briskets and pork butts on 1 WSM, then 6 racks of ribs on the other WSM. The Kettle is used for chicken, sausage, beans and dinner on Friday night.

I do admit to getting frustrated every now and again with the WSM and ribs. Most slabs of ribs are between 18-20". Since I prefer to lay mine flat when competing, I always have to scrunch them up to fit them in. Sure would like a 22" version!
Congrats on your results this weekend /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I hear you on the 22" WSM. I cook in a rib rack but finish laying flat and there is just not enough room. Makes me want to go out and buy a big grill. Maybe there is a Weber Ranch Kettle in my future. Imagine the MEGA WSM you could make with that /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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