Sticky Polder???

I use a Polder that tramsmits to a smaller unit. Typically, I set it to signal me at 251, so if my WSM gets too hot I can go and fix things. The problem is, sometimes when it reaches over 251, it starts flashing and warning me that the end of the world isa nigh. So, when I notice, I trot downstairs to fix things. Often, when this happens, if I press start on the base unit I get whole differernt setting, like 240 or whatever.It seems like the unit gets stuck and does not report any further changes until the base unit is re-started.
Is this a known issue? Is it my unit?

With my digital therm (tru temp w/prope) it does the same thing...only not until it goes over 370 (sometimes I use it to measure the temp of deep fry oil...I'm not cooking meat to 370!). Anyway, I think these units were designed to measure the temp of meat, and I don't know of any meat that is cooked in excess of 190 degrees...they just weren't designed for the applications we're using them for. But, my $9 tru temp is fine at lo n' slo temps.

