Started construction on my new WSM cart / wind block

Ok I am christening the WSM House. Have two racks of spares and two racks of baby backs on.

Well she performed beautifully,
Here are some pics
1) Ribs on the Rack

2) A rack of Baby backs

3) Cut up Spares

4) Look how thick these spares are

5) The pickins

6) Stokerlog graph

The spares were incredibly thick, I have never had any like this. Normally the kids and I clean up two racks and are tempted to go for a third. But not tonight, we didn't even finish two full racks of these spares.

OMG, I am so full.
Food looks great, and the WSM house is awesome. You better put it away though, they are predicting 60% chance of rain coming
Part of my day off tomorrow is going to be dedicated to making a rain cover for the house. I also used about 2 Gallons of Spar urethane to finish it. This should provide quite a lot of weather protection considering it is applicable to above the water line use on boats.

Thanks for the complements btw.
Just curious as to mixing the "spares" and the "baby backs". I have cooked both separatly, but not together. Care to shed any light on this. just curious. thanks John
I'm sure your house can take a little rain, I was teasing about what I heard over your "StokerFeed".

I need to build me something like this for the WSM. One of my pet peevs is how it fills up with water everytime it rains. I'm surprised my charcoal grate hasn't completly rusted through yet, its getting close though.
I was teasing about what I heard over your "StokerFeed".
Dang Jay, so it really was quite a bit more of a show than just watching the Stokerlog. What else did you hear? I was thinking the sound got unmuted after that discussion with my wife. I guess I'm lucky the wife and I didn't get a little frisky. Guess I need to be a lot more careful with muting the sound on the feed. lol

John, first off, I always prep my spares St. Luis style. Then when I mix spares and baby backs, I put the baby backs on about an later, moving the spares to the bottom rack. Looking at the graph from this cook, the baby backs went on about 12:40, My note says "Basted with Apple Juice", not really enough room, so I didn't note I added the baby backs.

Sometimes this messes me up, and I usually don't mix them. When I went out Saturday night to get the ribs I could only find two decent racks of baby backs, and two racks of spares. I couldn't find four racks of either.

