st. louis style sparerib scraps


Dan Godwin

TVWBB Member
I'm doing spareribs tomorrow, and trimmed the cryovac to st. louis style. The 3 racks rolled will (hopefully) fit on the top rack of the wsm, and my beans will go on the bottom. I want to put some of the scraps in the beans, but I'm not sure if I should put them in raw, or smoke them first? Also, where do I put the rest to smoke them? Just squeeze them anywhere I can? Any suggestions appreciated.
Schmoke em first. The flap meat should only take an hr or so the tips a few hrs. Chop and add to the beans or snack on em:wsm:

Since the beans should be cooked for 6-8 hours, I decided to put the tips and flap on first, with the beans below. I'll switch out the trimmings for the real thing in a few hours. Thanks for the advice!
I just had a smoke and saved the tips and marinated the tips in BBQ sauce and apple juice. I picked the meat off and added the juice back to the meat and plan of putting them in my beans on my next big cook off in a few weeks.

