St Louis Spares at 250 Degrees?


S. Yoo

New member
Hi. I'm new to low and slow cooking. But I'm looking forward to my first barbecued ribs this weekend.

At 250 to 275 degrees, how long will it take a rack of unfoiled St. Louis Spareribs to be done (right amount of tenderness)?

And does foiling make a difference in cooking times? If foiled, how long would it take?

I understand each rack will be different due to thickness and whatnot. But I just want a very general, ballpark estimation.

Thanks for your help.
I would guess around 5h @ those temps. Foiling will help to tender them faster. But personaly i dont use foil.
I love to do St Louis style ribs. I usually smoke at about an indicated temp of 250 on the WSM dome gauge. I plan on about 5 - 5 1/2 hrs. I seldom foil. I put me on and leave them for about 2 1/2 hr and then open the smoker to observe the masterpieces as they are smoking. A little spritz of apple juice and close the lid. I do the same again in an hour and every 1/2 hour after. When I feel they are about 1/2 from done I give them a lite coating of BBQ sauce to let them get a nice glaze.
Good luck and enjoy.

I cook St. Louis spares at 275*. I foil after about 1.5hrs if I have a good bark. I leave in the foil for an hour and then remove from foil for another 30min or so to firm up the bark or sauce if that's the route I'm taking. Usually done in 3 to 3.5 hrs.
I would suggest reading about the 3-2-1 method. 3 hours on smoker, 2 in foil and 1 back on smoker out of foil. At 250-275 2-2-1 will probably be better. Sometimes 2 hrs in foil is too much so check on them after 1.5 hrs. I know foiling is an extra step but it is worth the effort. Keeps bark from getting too dark and tenderizes meat as well. Good luck!

