ss performer

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Corey Elks

TVWBB All-Star
recently got a blue ss performer in beatiful condition for 20.00
. The thing i dont really trust is the charcoal bin. Has anyone ever had problems with the coals getting wet in there? I leave the grill outside with a cover on it. Just worried about humidity in the summer and rain and snow in the winter. thanks for your input.

I don't have the SS Performer, but I do have a Performer in North Florida, and it's pretty darn humid here. I keep mine on the covered patio and it usually has a cover on it. It's been rained on in big Florida storms and sits outside all year. I keep charcoal in a closed bag in the bin, and I haven't had problems with humid coals. Your mileage may vary, but I've used numerous brands of lump and briqs and haven't had a humidity problem.

Hi Corey, this question always gets me. As stated folks actually do put their charcoal in that bin. I don't. I leave mine in the bag in my garage, even then I have had (sometimes) problems with it not lighting as fast as I thought it should. But glad you asked that question, also living here in MIchigan I would like to know what other folks do.
I always keep a bag of lump (in the bag) in the bin. Charcoal I keep in a covered plastic storage container in my shed.

I have never had a problem lighting lump - I also live in Michigan.
Corey, I too keep mine in the bag and in the charcoal bin with no problems. Stays on my back patio with a cover. There is plenty of humidity round' these parts! Also, reference your SS Blue didnt happen!
Another vote for keeping the charcoal in its bag and in the bin with no problems.

Actually, it's usually two bags - one bag of Stubbs and one bag of Kingsford.
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