SS Genesis Platinum score



TVWBB Member
I picked this up today for free! It has an original cover in great condition.

It’s got the typical cancer in the bottom but I am going to do an open cart conversion and shove a deep box x000 in there.

I know there will have to be some mods but I don’t mind tinkering around. I am going on see if I can keep the side burner.

I was shocked that it popped up for free in this area. I’ll post pics as I work it. I have a red head I am putting on it.


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John, I did the deep box frankengrill mod on my SS Platinum. I will be looking forward to your thread on your project.

That's great. If you have any questions, let me know.
Bruce, I have the grill apart and the frame has significant burnt on grease and some rust from the non ss panels that sat on it.

What did you use to clean the frame?

I took a rust synthetic removal brush and tried a small inconspicuous spot but it left some deeper scratches. I thought the non metal brush wouldn’t scratch it but it did. I think simple green and steal wool will take care of the grease but the rust I am at a loss for. Any suggestions?
I'm interested in your project as well! I have something very similar in my back burner project inventory. Or as my wife would say "my pile of grills"


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