Spirit with a Lid Ripped Off.



New member
As I just posted in the Introduce Yourself thread, my beloved Spirit had the lid blown off in 100 mph winds. No it did not break the hinge pins (wish it had). Broke the entire hinge assembly off the lid on one side and the base on the other! I was wondering if any of you would be willing to take a look at your intact grill and suggest how I might be able to install a replacement hinge. I am already pretty sure that just bolting a couple of door hinges to the lid and base is not going to work due to the offset.

Any thoughts?

The cast aluminum is a lot softer than the steel pins. I have seen a few broken ones and even broke one myself when I tried to remove a stuck lid pin.
I would look for a used similar donor grill to replace the firebox and lid of your grill or use your grill as a parts grills. Depending on whichever grill is in better condition.
I guess you could rig up some sort of door hinge as a temporary fix, but that style hinge isn't built for heat exposure. And it will look pretty silly.

Like Stefan suggested, I'd just keep an eye out on Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp and LetGo for a similar grill. Many times people will have grills listed for free that need lots of work, but you could just take the firebox and lid off and junk the rest. You might even get some extra spare parts for future use.
Yah, I would think the only real solution is a new lid and cook box. You don't mention the age of the grill, but it might even be covered under warranty. I would call Weber C/S and let them know what happened. They may not cover it due to the way it broke, but I have seen some instances where the C/S rep was very liberal with the warranty. Then, some are extremely strict. Worth a try. Worst is, they say no.

In that case, I would look for a donor grill to grab the cook box and lid from. If you post an age, better yet a serial number) and some pictures we can probable tell you what kinds of donor grills to look for.
Thanks guys. All good thoughts. It is at least three years old but will try to nail that down before calling Weber. I was hoping just to bolt some kind of hinge inside but I was worried about heat as well. I need more than just a lid since it broke on both the lid and firebox side. Still worth a look to see if someone has one that I could salvage with the parts I have that are intact. Did not know it was cast aluminum. That helps me understand why it would break in this manner. Thanks Again!

