Spares vs Baby Back


Wade Leishman

TVWBB Member
I've done baby backs in my WSM maybe 6-8 times using various techniques and methods (including foil, 3-2-1 or 4-1-1 style)...

Anyhow, I have never done Spare Ribs and I picked up a some at Costco to do this coming weekend.

Is there a great deal of difference between the prep and cooking for the spares over the Baby Backs?

Thanks in Advance

Follow the links Steve provided for trimming the ribs. The big difference is the amount of prep work - spares need to be trimmed, back ribs do not. Spares will also take longer to cook, but I think you'll be pleased with the results. Much meatier and more flavorful!
Just finished woofing down the Spares...

Trimmed em up last night and fired up the WSM about 6am This morning to have them ready for a late lunch...Used a semi custom rub with a little spice and a little sweet... (didn't apply rub until a little before I tossed em in the smoker).

Did about 3-2-1 and foiled with a little apple juice and brown sugar during the '2'...I sauced em up a little bit since I prefer "Wet" style ribs...

Was pretty good... very tender (was able to spin and pull the bones out clean, but wasn't "mushy")...

BUT, for my $$$, I think I'll probably stick to Baby Backs for the most part... had to pick more bone bits from around the edge (more of a result of my novice trimming I'm sure than anything else).

Spare had more meat, "yeah probably", more work to get em ready, "some probably"...Better flavor than baby backs I've done, "probably not"...Dunno, I guess I'm just a Baby Back guy....

I did like eating that little Skirt Section that I had trimmed off for an spicy breakfast... YUM!

Thanks for the links, they were helpful...

Well, after doing nothing but Spares for the past....well.... a longgg time, I did B/backs the past two rib cooks, and the Family decided they don't have a favorite any more. They want me to "rotate" which ones I do. Myself, I like the spares better, but love them both. Either way is a win/win cook.
The bone bits are just inexperience in trimming. A couple more cooks and you'll get the hang of it.

As for flavor - I find the spares to have a stronger pork flavor than the bb's. And the additional fat on the spares really makes them moist compared to the leaner bb rib.

Bottom line is if you can't tell the difference then stick with BB's. Less fuss during prep, shorter cook times, and the cost is relatively indifferent considering the waste on a spare.


