Spares on the cooker now Question


Rick Soliman

I have two large Spare ribs on the cooker it has been 3.5hrs and the temp has been nailed at 249. The out side temp is 95. The spares are on the top grate rolled and skewered since they were too big to lay flat. My quesion is the bone nearest the top of the lid is showing .75" to 1" the meat has pulled back. I dont think they are done however because bottom of the Rib nearest the gate the meat has not pulled back at all. I spritzed with my solution and turned them over just now. Also I shut all vents in hopes of getting the temp back down to 225. How much longer shoud I leave them? I have water in the pan and the tips and skirt meat on the lower grate. I was planning on moping them with 30 min left.

Spares can very alot in size and the amount of fat and conective tissue. Sometimes there done in 5 1/2 hours (usually 6) and the last ones I did which were giant size took 8 . Wait till the meat has shrunk some on all the bones. Since there coiled I would grab two bones and give a little bend - if the meat begins to tear there probably done enough.
Hope that helps
Well since my first post I have dropped the temp to 228 and after flipping the ribs the meat that was on the bottom has started to pull back .25" And did I mention how great they smell. My neighbors have been stopping over asking when lunch is. I think I may have sold about 4-5 WSM based on the smell comming from my back yard.

Try not to worry that much about temp control.250,even 260 isnt a bad thing. Just keep it in a BBQ range.And make sure to check the texture of the meat between the bones before you take them off. Sounds like its going good though.
I don't believe you can finish large spares in less than 6 hours and probably 7 hours, so I wouldn't worry. Rather than be concerned about the meat pulling back, I would check at around 6+ hours to see if I could insert a tootpick easisly between the bones. Then try to see if you can pull two bones apart with a little but not too much tug. Spares are a tough cut of meat and you aren't likely going to hurt them.

Good luck.


