Spares On A Modded WSM


Bob Mann

TVWBB Honor Circle
I've had my 18 1/2" WSM for about a year. All last year I used water in the stock 2009 model water pan. A few weeks ago, I got a Brinkmann charcoal pan and a 12" clay pot base, which I used for the first time today.

Last year, I did my ribs at 225F for about 5 1/2 hours. Today, I did them at 275F for 4 hours. With the clay base, the temperature tends to run up, but control is much more responsive then with water.

These were the best ribs I have ever made. Tender, juicy, good bark and smoke ring. I didn't sauce the ribs, I wanted them speak for themselves. My wife, who in the past always reached for the Sweet Baby Ray's, didn't tonight. That may be the ultimate compliment for me

The raw product:

The charcoal ring with Kingsford blue and 4 chunks of mesquite:

The foiled charcoal pan and clay pot base:

The rubbed ribs on the gate:

After 2 1/2 hours, ready to foil:

After 4 hours, done:

Ready to eat:


Ribs look good Bob!

You might want to put another layer of foil across the top of the charcoal pan and the foiled clay saucer. that way, you can leave the pan and the saucer foiled, and you will only have to change the top layer of foil after your cook. If you leave it the way it is, you might have to change foil in the pan and on the saucer too.

