Source for Brushes/Mops?

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Joe McManus

TVWBB All-Star
Anyone know of a good source or type of brush for applying sauce and glazes? I keep trying different types, but they always seem to shed bristles on the meat. Minor irritation for home cooking, but more of a concern when preparing compitition boxes. Also, what about those nice mops?


Very clever.

I'm currently using my own conconction as well. Cotton string cut into 10" pieces, threaded through the eye of a shish-k-bob skewer, tied up with a plastic "wire tie". A wine bottle cork on the business end of the skewer (so I don't k-bob myself). I'll have work on getting a picture. Works pretty good but I was thinking I might want something more professional looking. Then again, maybe not.
I've read that supermarkets carry cotton string dishwashing mops. Also, I've seen cotton BBQ mops near the registers at Schweppe in Lombard but don't recall the price.

I can't remember where I bought my long handle BBQ brush. It either came from Home Depot or Schweppes. It's got a long wood handle, natural bristles, and a nylon collar around the bristles. So far, none of them have made it onto the meat.
Thanks, Joe. Yours sounds like a fine system, but just a teeny bit more work than I go thru. I even use a pair of locking tongs to hold the thing---talk about lazy!

I've still never run across a "real" bbq mop, but I'm happy as pie with mine anyhow. Gets the job done, that's for sure.
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