TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Bottom line, it would be nice to see Weber and their innovation here actually succeed. Even if I never buy one (though you never say never). I like seeing the innovation, and you know other companies watch that as well. If the innovations succeed we likely see this tech trickle down to other products.
Think back (if you remember that far back) to when Weber first introduced the Genesis. It introduced some VERY controversial tech at the time. First the burner arrangement. IMO that was and still is the absolute best thing they ever did. As it made one grill behave like multiple grills. It became something that could do ALL things REALLY well rather than some things well and some ehhh not so much. Another was the Flavorizer Bar. In a time where every gas grill used lava rock, or some type of stones. They had the audacity to use STEEL over the burners to vaporize drippings rather than collect them so they became rancid or fire bombs.
Now look at nearly EVERY gas grill made. They NEARLY ALL use this type of system. I call that industry innovation.
So now, maybe Weber takes it on the chin a little with SmokeFire. (and they apparently did to a point). So it was back to the drawing board to refine the idea not throw the baby out with the bath water.
I am REALLY hoping they hit this out of the park. Who knows? If they do, we may some of that innovation come to the rest of the industry. And maybe even in the form of aftermarket accessories and parts and so on.
Even if you NEVER want one (pellet grill), or don't want to stretch the bank account for one. You gotta root for them on this endeavor.
Think back (if you remember that far back) to when Weber first introduced the Genesis. It introduced some VERY controversial tech at the time. First the burner arrangement. IMO that was and still is the absolute best thing they ever did. As it made one grill behave like multiple grills. It became something that could do ALL things REALLY well rather than some things well and some ehhh not so much. Another was the Flavorizer Bar. In a time where every gas grill used lava rock, or some type of stones. They had the audacity to use STEEL over the burners to vaporize drippings rather than collect them so they became rancid or fire bombs.
Now look at nearly EVERY gas grill made. They NEARLY ALL use this type of system. I call that industry innovation.
So now, maybe Weber takes it on the chin a little with SmokeFire. (and they apparently did to a point). So it was back to the drawing board to refine the idea not throw the baby out with the bath water.
I am REALLY hoping they hit this out of the park. Who knows? If they do, we may some of that innovation come to the rest of the industry. And maybe even in the form of aftermarket accessories and parts and so on.
Even if you NEVER want one (pellet grill), or don't want to stretch the bank account for one. You gotta root for them on this endeavor.