Something other than water in water pan?

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Carl F.

New member
Am going to try out my WSM this weekend and was wondering, has anyone experimented with using anything other than water in the water pan (ie wine, beer, apple juice?). Did it have a noticeable effect on the flavor?

Also, if there are any homebrewers. Has anyone tried smoking grains for use in brewing in their WSM?


I've used a 3/4 apple juice and water mixture with pork butts. Would probably have to run two WSM's side by side - one with plain water to tell the difference.

Several of us have run experiments on this very issue. I think we all agreed, NO added flavor whatsoever.

The reason is, the moisture does not last long in the hot cooker. I had a physics guy explain this concept after DB mentioned he had switched to sand instead of water. The steam simply can't be "held" long enough to have any impact on both moisture levels and flavoring.

That is also why many of us have noticed no difference in moistness when using sand.

I will have to talk with him again and get a more technical explanation. Unless someone else wants to tackle this end of things????
I don't want to get into the science cause I do not know it well enough but I can tell you that if you want flavor on or in the meat then you must apply the flavor in or on the meat. Putting it in the water pan does not seem to help on much except on beer butt chicken and I believe that is because you cooking the liquids away in the chest cavity of the chicken.
I remember the grade school science experiment where you dissolved salt in some water and then boiled the water until the pan was dry. What was left in the pan? The salt.
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