Someone in Chicago area needs to get this

LM, is that really a steal in your market? I need to rent a Uhaul and bring a load up your way.
It is amazing how 2 towns 500 miles apart can be so different. I would be apprehensive about
giving more than about $10 for it. It looks like someone got carried away with the spray paint.
It would take a great deal of time and work for me to get that old grill to bring more than $50 here
in KC.
Yes it's a steal. Heck the manifold alone is worth that much, the hose can be sold for minimum $10. I don't think anyone painted it I think it's just plain dirty
There is clearly over spray on the handle and control panel. It also looks like he
painted all, or at least part of the lid, including the emblem.
I have a few natural gas manifolds. I need to see about selling some of them.
Yeah on second look I can see the over spray, but it still looks like a solid $20 grill to me. I'd snap it up but first I don't need it and second it would cost me $15 in gas and $5.00 in tolls and 3 hours of my time.
I noticed the paint job right away. I couldn't figure out why the WEBER emblem on the hood was so dark.
But, I am guessing that would be a parts grill. They painted the hood for a reason. Unless they figured it would be easier to paint it than clean it, then they were probably trying to cover up some other damage. But the shelves and other hardware looks good. Definitely worth $20 even if just for parts.
IT doesn't look like the hood is completely painted. Just looks like a sloppy job of painting the side panels and severe over spray

