some info please.....

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Steve Hilmer

TVWBB Super Fan
I have a 6 lb pork picnic shoulder defrosting for a good long smoke this weekend. After reading the articles, I am looking at 9-12 hrs. I will try the minion method for the first time. I will do only 1 for this first try. I have a favorite rub, but it does contain sugar. any problems with this? Any advice will be very appreciated. I have a 12 lb monster for next weekend. I think cutting it in half would be wise, yes? Wood Choices? Mop or not?

You shouldn't have any problem using your rub. Many commercial rubs and homemade rubs contain sugar. Q'ing temps will not get high enough to burn the sugar.

You could cut the other in half or really give your WSM a work out and cook it whole. Good Luck!
Minion method is great for temprature control. No problem on the sugar it'll blacken but it will make great bark. I like a mpo like in the renowned Mr Brown recipie but its all personal preference. For woods Oak with a little Pecan has been my mild smoke of choice lately maybe throw one chunk of hickory and all right as you put the meat on. As for the 12 lb shoulder (that one big pig!! my butts usually only come 7-8 lbs) I'd cut it in tow because I like outside and bark Its more flavorful to me that way.

Have fun!!!
Don't worry about the sugar. At smoking temps, the sugar won't burn.

However, I would add a few hours to your planned cook. I would plan on 12-15 hours to cook and add an additional couple hours to let it rest in a cooler or for fudge factor. My butts which typically run 6-8 pounds before trimming average 2.5 hours/pound at 240-260 lid temps. If your's finishes early, great, hold it wrapped in foil and towels in an empty cooler until you are ready to shred it. Better to finish early that have dinner waiting for that butt to finish.
I agree with Dave. 9 - 12 hours is a bit short, unless you're planning on using foil (yick). Don't use foil - allow yourself the extra time and you'll be very pleased with the results. When you can wiggle the bone and it feels like it could be pulled out of the meat easily, when the meat looks like it's "caving in" on itself, and when it wiggles and giggles when you poke at it, then it can be considered done.

I usually put a butt on around 8 at night, and pull it around 10 - 12 the next day. Some butts are quicker cooking than others, though, so remember that you can't go by time alone.

As far as a mop, the Southern Sop recipe can't go wrong. Also, the SmokinOkie out of Ponca City OK has several that I really like as well, especially his apple-juice based "Smokin's Pulled Pork Baste & Serving Sauce ". You can go to his Cookshack Smoker Bulletin Board here , and see links to his "Smokin Okies Vinegar Mop for Pulled Pork", "Smokin's Pulled Pork Baste & Serving Sauce", and "Smokin Okie's Virgin Mustard Sauce". I'd post the recipes themselves, but I'll ask his permission first before I put them over in the recipes section.

Keri C, still smokin' on Tulsa Time
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