some first brisket help

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TVWBB Super Fan
I've just about finished my first overnight MM brisket but I need some advice please.

I followed the Brisket-Midnight cook directions and planned an hour to an 1.5 hours per pound. It's a 12 pounder after cleaning. I allowed for the max plus an extra hour for unforeseeables. Now I have a brisket that's done 6 hours early. Can I keep it above 140 in a prewarmed cooler that long? Will it be sliceable after 6 hours in a cooler?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


I'm doing my first brisket tonight along with two butt's. What time did you start/finish the cook?

I'm planning on starting the cook at 8pm tonight. I need everything to be done around noon the next day. That's 16 hours. Do I need more?

The resident experts around here would say that's not enough info or it depends on lots of things...much of it having to do with the mass of meat you are cooking.

Depending on size and conditions the butts alone could take 20 hours. They say you can hold the meat at 140F for hours so it's probably better to start earlier, don't think I'd start it any later than 4pm. That gives you a 4 hour buffer on your planned 16 hour cook.

Hope it goes well for you and you have a great time!


You need some one with more experience than I have with the WSM. I've got 20 plus years on the same (mostly, a few parts changed out) Weber kettle and 5 years on a Weber gasser but only got the WSM last April. Since then I have smoked 2 turkeys, 2 rib roasts, 3 spares, and one BBR. This is my first brisket.

I put the brisket on at 8pm last night and it was done around 10am -- 14 hours. There was no wind and the overnight low was around 50. I prewarmed a cooler with hot water, double wrapped with heavy foil and towels. It resides there now. I got the remote thermometer watching the temp for me.

It's currently a sunny 66 F here in Anchorage this morning with 78 predicted for this afternoon.

I did an 11# brisket a couple weeks ago and it was done in 11 hours. Sometimes you get a cut of meat that will "turbo" cook. As far as keeping it in a cooler for six hours, I don't know. The longest I have held one is around 4. What you can do is hold it in the pre-warmed cooler for about 4 hours then put it in the oven at about 200-225 depending on how long you want to hold it. You may want to put a little bit of beef broth in the foil and wrap it tight to keep it from drying out. Good luck!

Thanks. That's what I'll do. I'll keep an eye on the temp in the cooler. If it starts to approach the danger zone, I'll go to the oven with some broth.

Hey Larry, does it have to be held in the oven at such a high temp? I thought 140F would do? (Just from recollection of countless posts I've read here in the last month)
I believe that there is no need to worry about the danger zone any longer.Any harmfull stuff was destroyed during the cooking.
The smoker is going and the meat will be on shortly. I have 2 8lb butts and a 14lb brisket going on. it's about 80 degrees and sunyn right now. Low tonight should be around 60 and dry.

I'll ahve the ET-73 hooked up even if I have to sleep on the sofa again.

I'll keep everyone posted.

I'm also using kingsford for the first time with the minion method. I usually use lump but I have to try this out.

I wouldn't keep the oven any lower than 200. If you have the oven at 200 the meat would take forever to get to that temp. The meat would be lower than the oven temp. I would use the lower temp (200)for the longer of the holding period (2+hours) and the higher temp (225) for the shorter holding periods (less than two hours).
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Al Silverman:
I believe that there is no need to worry about the danger zone any longer.Any harmfull stuff was destroyed during the cooking. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The danger zone and food being allowed to stay between 40* and 140* for too long a time applies to both raw and cooked foods.
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