Bill D aka Willbird
TVWBB Member
I have been playing around with the idea of using 1/4" throw 5v solenoids to open and close a rectangular damper, the surface area of one say 6" wide and 2" high (do not remember the exact numbers) came out close to a 1.5" round pipe, and you could put a slide valve on the face of it to allow you to trim your "idle" heat.
I have the solenoids from sparkfun....just need to work out how to reduce 12 volt output from my Auber to 5 volt and do the mechanical work to rig it up for a try.
I have an Auber already and to try this out would like to find a simple way to reduce the 12 volt output to 5v, and a friend told me I can use a cap and a resister to give the solenoids a high initial kick...then limit current through the resister so the solenoids do not overheat.
Hmm wondering since I am planning on using two 5v solenoids if I can wire them in series and then use 12v ?? Advance apology if that exposes some ignorance on my part
I have the solenoids from sparkfun....just need to work out how to reduce 12 volt output from my Auber to 5 volt and do the mechanical work to rig it up for a try.
I have an Auber already and to try this out would like to find a simple way to reduce the 12 volt output to 5v, and a friend told me I can use a cap and a resister to give the solenoids a high initial kick...then limit current through the resister so the solenoids do not overheat.
Hmm wondering since I am planning on using two 5v solenoids if I can wire them in series and then use 12v ?? Advance apology if that exposes some ignorance on my part
