Soldered the IC3 to the board



TVWBB Member
I soldered the IC3 to the board and didn't install the socket will the HM still work or do I need to remove the chip and install the socket. I bought a desoldering tool from radio shack (they had no braid) and it doesn't work at all.

IC3 is the shift register if I recall correctly. This IC never had a socket, only the ATMega has a socket. I recall on earlier versions if you install a socket for the shift register that will actually cause a problem, 'cause that raises the chip up to where it interferes with the rPi, not sure if this is the case with the HMv4.2 or not, but I know the shift register hasn't been socketed in any version of the HM...
Yeah Ralph

Your right that's what i meant. I didn't install the 28 pin DIP Socket for the micro controller. Is the DIP socket mandatory?
a socket is just there so you can remove the chip, and/or so you don't have to expose the chip to heat while soldering in (the socket). If you soldered the ATMega to the board with no socket and it works you're good to go... I wouldn't mess with it, cause if you try to desolder and remove the ATMega you will likely destroy the chip and probably the board too...
As for the shift register, I did put a socket in for both of my two 4.2.4 HM's. Works fine with both rPi ver. B. Did the same on my retired v4.0.
As for the ATMega, Ralph is correct, you would probably ruin the chip and the board.
As for the shift register, I did put a socket in for both of my two 4.2.4 HM's. Works fine with both rPi ver. B. Did the same on my retired v4.0.
As for the ATMega, Ralph is correct, you would probably ruin the chip and the board.

I seemed to recall if you put the shift register in a socket the chip hit the rPi audio jack or something? I can't recall which version, maybe just v4.1 since you didnt mention that, but I could have sworn it was v4.0 as well.... but since you've actually done it I guess I should differ to you... Did you have to pull the audio jack off your rPi to make it fit?
Yes, for both the 4.0 and the 4.2.4. If I recall correctly there was some other reason that was pulled but that was a long time ago. I pulled it this time just because that is what was done with the 4.0. Besides, I didn't need it anyway and it could always be reinstalled. Worst case, I could wire an audio pigtale.

Update: Just took a look at my 4.2.4 build with the rPi vB and the audio had to be removed because the sounder interfered with the audio jack on the rPi. Therefore removed it. Don't know how it would be affected by the other rPi versions since I only use the B version.
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Ok, well, the typical HM build only required the RCA VIDEO jack to be removed from the rPi... So if you removed the audio jack as well that is why your shift register in the socket doesn't interfere with the rPi... If you leave the audio jack on the rPi I think it would hit your shift register when raised up in the socket. But thats a moot point I guess, cause who is building v4.0 or v4.1 these days anyways, and as it turns out Tommy wasn't talking about the shift register after all...
Ralph, you are right. It was only the RCA jack that I removed on all three builds. The blue audio jack is still installed and does not interfer with anything. Since part of my business is home theater (when there is work), I mentally associate RCA jacks with audio. While composite video and component video do use RCA, it has been a long time since I have used them since the majority of video is HDMI. My mistake. Sorry about that.

The RCA video jack would be tight to the shift register but is didn't matter since the HM sounder would interfere and after putting the RCA back on and checking further, choke would interfere also.

