(SOLD OUT - SORRY) Thermopen's on sale again - $69 "open box" with full warranty


David Ward

Thermopen $69 sale

Open box, demo and refurbished in many colors for $69. I snagged an orange one for myself.

They are already sold out of some of the colors and it is only valid until stock on hand is gone. But it's hard to beat $69.

Thanks for posting this. I've been looking to buy a thermopen for awhile now but the $90 tag always makes me cringe.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by David Ward:
Mine came today. If it's not a brand new never used product I can't tell it (it was even in the blister pack).

Sweet!!! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Same here. Mine came yesterday. If it ain't new then I don't know what new is.
Had I not received a new Thermapen for Christmas, I would have to ask forgiveness rather than permission. Fantastic price on the Thermapen and it sounds like Thermoworks is doing their best to make the Thermapen affordable.
I just used mine for the 1st time this week. Fantastic. Whenever I've barbecued chicken in the past I basically had to guess whether or not it was done, and since I like to err on the side of moist chicken, well lets just say I've had to put it back on the grill all too often. Not any more!
I bought one though the open box deal. Like all others said, I'm pretty sure this thing is brand new. I have used it twice and wow what a difference knowing exactly what temp your meat is at.

Thanks for the link on the Thermapen sale. I just ordered one as a back-up for my older one I have had a couple of years.
They only had green and pink ones left. Since I didn't feel the need to get in touch with my feminine side, green seemed a decent choice.
Thanks again for the link!

Hi Morrey,

I don’t want to hijack the topic, if you do a search a few of us have had posted some thoughts. Now that I have had it a while – in a nutshell for the price it’s great and does what it promises.

Once I was looking to buy an o/u shotgun and a wise old guy told me don’t just go for cheap because you are going to want to upgrade real soon.

I still haven’t bought an o/u but already want to upgrade to something with more bells and whistles as far as an ATC goes. But for the price can’t justify it so ill use the partyQ till it needs to be replaced.
Agreed Yianni. A friend wanted a Harley but said he would start with a Honda and work up from there. I advised him to go for the Harley and just start where you plan to end up. He did and is happy.
My father-in-law is a big Weber kettle grill user. He would use an ATC to do butts, ribs, etc. I thought a party Q may be a nice gift for him at some point since he is not a hard core cooker.
I would strongly suggest a Digi-Q to anyone who asked. For my needs, the bells and whistles it offers are more than adequate.
Got mine delivered today. I did specify pink; with a wife, 4 daughters and now a grand-daughter, pink doesn't bother me. Added bonus - they threw in a small bag of Jelly Belly jelly beans.

Hope to use it soon, as the weather in the Pittsburgh area has been unusually mild this winter. Wife and I have been grilling steaks on the Q a number of evenings already in January and February.

