Snoring and a smokin

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Dale Perry

The WSM is one trusty Q cooking machine. I put 2 pork shoulders in last night at 8:30, set the dampers and walked away. I just checked the temp and it was at 250, dry water pan and all. I didnt get up to check the temps at all last night due to massive consumption of a certain cold beverage helped me forget about every little worry so I went to bed, outside in a tent with my 10 year old boy. It was great to climb out of the coleman hotel and find a nice smoky pork smell in the air. The meat looks great, but not completed. I dont know what the internal temps are yet but I gave the shoulders the touch test and they are just a very few hours from being chewed on. I am going to throw a three pack of spares from Sams "very meaty"on after while that I cut up last night just like Chris A showed on this site. No problem.

When I found this site, I stumbled onto something special. There is no way that I can type the right words of thanks to the kind people on this board for steering me into the path of the WSM. I have alot of fun with this Qing thing so thanks for your help everyone.

Sounds like you, your 10 year old, and everybody there are set for a good weekend! WSM and know-how from guys on this site = good pork along with good sleep!
Ain't it great! No charcoal/wood smoker out there holds a temp as stable as the WSM. Hope you and your boy had a great weekend!
The other great thing is that you're giving your boy memories that he'll always have. Maybe someday he'll be sharing an overnight cook with his own kids.
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