Smoking with Oak....

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Andy Rine

TVWBB Member
I'm a project engineer for a construction company. The trim wood of choice in Oklahoma seems to be Red oak, and often on the jobs, they stain it in the field. That means that all the scraps are untreated, unfinished red oak. Could I use this as smoke wood? If so, I'm sitting on a gold mine.
Yes you could! Yes you are!! Lucky dog!
Andy, As long as you can be 100 % sure it hasn't been treated with anything then yes you can. Cowboy Lump charcoal and others are made from lumber scraps.
Red oak is all I use. It rocks! In fact some use it to grill with. Can you say Tri-tip?

You need a couple o' garbage cans full of fist sized chunks. Should last 2 years or more if alls you do is bbq @ 225 degrees.

Others will speak about pecan and fruit woods, and thats cool, but Oak works for me.

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