Smoking w/Maple wood?


Chuck Bench

I have about a half cord of Maple wood that I got from my dad end of last year when they trimmed about 1/3 of a huge Maple tree in their backyard over hanging the pool...

My questions are can I smoke with it?

How should I smoke with it? Should I cut it into chunks, rounds, or chips?

Should I dry it out first or not?

Is it heavy or light? Should I use a lot of it when I smoke or a little?

Just trying to figure out something new to do...thanks
I use sugar maple all the time, I have about 2 cords of it chopped and ready to go in my backyard. I cut it into chunks, smaller branches I just leave in rounds, and let it season for 4-6 months if it's green. It's about the same as hickory strength wise maybe a little lighter.
I love Sugar Maple. I think it's a lot more milder than Hickory. I put it in the strength class as a fruit woods. I switched to sugar maple exclusively for my smoked salmon as well. I used the same recipe I always do and only switched woods. Everyone said it was my best smoked salmon ever and it was my only change. I usually use it along with another wood but have used it on it's own as well. Ive used it on pork, beef, and fish all with good results. Smoke away.........oh BTW excellent for homemade Canadian Bacon s well.
Depends on the type of Maple. I've only used Sugar Maple which I buy online. My whole neighborhood is filled with 60yr old Maples and they vary from soft Maples to cross breed Norway's.
I burn quite a lot of the downfalls in my fire pit and the smell is not that appealing.
If your unsure of the type than do a burn with a few small chunks in the chimney, after the heavy white smoke clears off drop them into your SJS and put the lid on with the top vent barely closed, after a few mins open the top vent and check if it smells OK.

Thanks everyone...

And Timothy, that's a great idea...didn't think about that...I'm not sure if it's sugar maple or not...just know that my dad told me it was maple

