Smoking Malt (hint: BBQ beer)

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Some of you are brewers in addition to smokers. What many of you may not know is that prior to the proliferation of the cleaner burning coal, most malt houses used wood for heat to force germinate the barley, leaving a characteristic smokeyness even into the final product, beer. There is a small historic town in Germany, Bamburg, that has a brewery, Schlerlenka, that still malts the old fashioned way, with beechwood. The beer tastes outstanding, with beechwood reminding me of hickory. I believe many of you "smokeheads" would also enjoy their line of beers. Check out your local high quality beer shops if you are interested.

I am also an avid homebrewer and have purchased malt from Bamburg by the 55 lb sack. But lately there seems to be a QC problem, it's not as smokey as it used to be. Maybe age? I don't know. I just want to take matters into my own hands.

So my question is, anyone have any experience smoking malt on the Bullet?

BTW, greetings local Aloha friends!
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