smoking in the rain

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Theresa L

TVWBB Member
Hi Everyone:

It's supposed to rain all weekend. I want some smoked ribs for dinner Saturday. I have no sheltered area in my backyard.

Anyone have any hints about smoking in the rain? Will it damage the wsm to have rain falling on it while it's running? I'm assuming the temperature would be harder to control, is it that much harder to control though?

Thanks, Theresa
Hi, Theresa, the only problem I've had in the rain is the WSM leaking around the bottom section spilling water on my charcoal, which meant ash on the food and a cold fire.

This only happened during a heavy thunderstorm. Still, since then I have always protected the WSM from rain while cooking. It's really hard to get ash off the food, plus it looks awful.

On another forum this problem was discussed and apparently it is not uncommon.
The first two times I used my WSM it rained all day both days. I did not protect the WSM in any way and had no problems. It may depend on how good the fit is on the bottom of your WSM.
Live in the Seattle area and cooking in the rain is common place, don't do anything different, winds another story.
When I smoke in the rain, I setup my outdoor / table umbrella next to the WSM. I simply prop it up in a large garbage can, so that it extends over The Bullet. Sure, it looks redneck, but who cares.. in the end, they're all jealouse anyway. Before I started doing this, the rain would cause some temperature fluctuations (always towards low).
Rains a little here in Oregon, like right now.
Have cooked in rain and have not had a problem. Going to do two chuck rolls and two briskets tonight on WSM's. Big storm coming in off pacific, supposed to be windy, cold and rain. Only about 52 outside right now, raining and dark.
Good weather for dark brown adult beverages.
Thank you everyone for your advice. I got some ribs and a turkey breast so I'm going for it!

Though, I have another question? When is it ever BAD weather for dark brown adult beverages?


My maiden voyage with my WSM was an all night cook in a huge Pacific storm about this time last year.

My WSM didn't seem to mind the rain as much as I did!
I had no remote thermometers yet, so I was checking the temps "in person."

Yeah, I was a little moist.

I had no trouble with water leakage or ash.

The forecast is nasty -- rain and wind until Monday.

Good luck!
On the lighter side, has anyone tried one of those clamp-on umbrellas that attach to beach chairs? It would go right on the lid handle......Now there's a picture for you!

Mark Stevens has been there and done that. <Smile>

Actually, I saw this picture a couple of years ago on Mark's site, which has great Chili-Head recipes as well as BBQ. I tried it myself once, but in general find the WSM relatively impervious to rain.


Smoking in Chicago,

I read somewhere where the person setup a step ladder over the smoker and covered the smoker with palstic this allowed enough space for air flow and kept the rain off of smoker interesting idea
Still going on overnight storm cook, took two nice briskets off at 7:30am, they are resting now,
one was 192 and the other 198, would have rather pulled them a little earlier but oh well. Have the two 20 lb chuck rolls still going, internals show 173 right now and I plan on taking them to 195. Has warmed up here to 65, air is calm and it feels like we are going to get slammed with a big storm. Opened up the vents a little and letting temp rise to 260 on top of lid, would like to pull the big chucks off at noon, just in time for lunch! Going to trim out the briskets now and wrap, they are presents for two of our brisket loving friends.

Well, I had my ribs last night and they were yummy. It turns out that the rain was not a concern just as everyone here has attested; the wind, on the other hand, was a pain in the %^*&%!

I had to battle to keep the temp up, because it was the windiest day of the year yesterday. Ended up removing the water from the water pan and adding some lump charcoal to get the temp up. Also had to fight the overwhelming compulsion to keep opening the door and overall general fiddling with the wsm (there must be a name for that compulsion!? I suffer from Lid Lifting Disorder?) But it turned out fine in the end, and I had ribs, nice turkey breast, and a fried polder to show for all that work at the finish.
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