SmokeFire conversion to generic pellets?


Bill T

TVWBB Member
As everybody but me seemed to know, the SmokeFire only uses the slightly smaller Weber wood pellets. The SmokeWood is not limited by that. Does anybody know about a way to convert the SmokeFire to be able to use generic pellets?
I've never used the Weber pellets and my EX6 is going on 2 years.
Pellets I have used. Lumberjack, Pit Boss, Kingsford, Sam's club comp blend. < (Mostly use that one because of cost.)
I've seen good things about those RO charcoal pellets on line. Interestingly, without my prompting, when I was working through my Smokefire troubles, the Weber rep I was dealing with mentioned not to use them. I've never tried, but am curious.
I've seen good things about those RO charcoal pellets on line. Interestingly, without my prompting, when I was working through my Smokefire troubles, the Weber rep I was dealing with mentioned not to use them. I've never tried, but am curious.
I've heard on pellet grill FB groups they've got some type of waxy additive to hold them together because charcoal doesn't have the lignin that "uncooked" wood does. Factual? IDK but seems reasonable
Supposedly the charcoal pellets burn hotter than wood pellets and will mess with the algorithm of the controller
I have a bag of those and IMO they do burn hotter than the wood pellets I have, and they do provide a good smoke flavor. It plainly says 100% charcoal so if they use a binder RO could be subject to a class action lawsuit.

