Smoked Salmon W/ Pictures


Bruce Bissonnette

Did a 3.88lb salmon fillet from Sam's Club today.

I brined for 75 minutes using the following brine:

1 gallon of water
1 cup kosher salt
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup white wine
1 tbls granulated garlic
1 tbls onion powder
1 tbls dried thyme
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dill

I then patted dry the fillets and allowed them to dry on a rack for two hours at which time I brushed them with maple syrup and sprinkled Hi-Mountain Salmon Seasoning on them.

I used the Minion Method and lit about 12 coals and placed them on top of a chimney full of unlit coals. I placed three small chunks of sugar maple wood in the pit, assembled the cooker and placed the fillets on the top grate.

I monitored temps with the nu-temp and kept the top grate between 194-207 for the entire three hour cook. Salmon came out great with a very detectable maple syrup flavor to the bark, with moist meat and medium smoke flavor.

Wrapped the fillets in foil and refrigerated overnight. Heres the pics.

Salmon Pics
Superior work! I stopped licking the screen just long enough to write this post
I'll have to try this... I'm a HUGE maple syrup fan.

Thanks for the pics!

It look like from the pictures that your pan was empty. Was this on purpose? And if so, why? If I can ask another question, fresh or farm raised? Great pictures. How are you serving them?
That looks good Bruce. Never done fish yet. I'm hoping my Dad and Bro go Tuna fishing this year again. Love Tuna steaks on the grill, but need to try it on the smoker. Ever do Tuna?
I have eyed up that Salmon many times at Costcos. Maybe next time I'll have to pick it up!
I had sand in the water pan and foil covering the sand.

Last night I couldn't resist and had just a nice chunk with a salad for dinner. This morning I'm having a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, a definite more pronounced smoke flavor this morning. Not overpowering, but you can tell it was smoked.

Thanks for all the comments guys. (never done tuna)
Looks terrific, Bruce. I very much like the look of your brine. What does Hi-Mountain use in their salmon mix?

Thanks to all for the nice comments.

Hi Mountain Alaskan Salmon Seasoning (ingredients)

Sea Salt, Dehyd Onion & Garlic, Orange Peel, Hydrolized Plant Protein, Whey powder, Lemon Juice Powder, Spices, Citric Acid, Dill, Parsley, Tumeric, Basil, Celery, Thyme, Tarragon, Butter Flavor, Smoke Extract, and <2% Silica Jel for anti-caking agent.

Tastes great on salmon.

