Smoked Lobster

I have only tea-smoke lobster on top of the stove.

The Guru recipe looks good. A couple suggestions, if I may: I think much less water in the pot is preferable when cooking lobster--just a few inches. Get it boiling rapidly then add the lobsters. Cook as briefly as possible, just long enough to kill them and leave the meat very rare. Immediately plunge them into ice water to stop the cooking. Then split and proceed.
Kevin... sounds like good advice. Nothing worse than overcooked, chewy lobster.

so... by adding just a few inches, you are almost steaming them, rather than boiling them, proper, no? I've never cooked lobster by any method at home, so all this is pretty new to me.

Muchas gracias.
Precisely. In fact, if you have a rack that will fit in the bottom of your pot over the water, use it. It is much easier and quicker than boiling a large pot of water, less messy, and you can grab the lobsters with a towel easily and plunge them into ice water. If you're just steaming lobter all the way to eat, skip the ice water plunge, of course.

Soften the butter on the counter instead of melting it. (I'd use unsalted, btw). To me, rosemary might be a bit much for lobster; perhaps not for you. I'd be inclined to some fresh thyme and parsley with Old Bay and garlic, or a little rosemary with parsley, Old Bay, and garlic. Lots of possibilities though, or try it as written, of course.

One more thing: I'd remove the stomach sac and intestinal tract after splitting, and run skewers between the tail meat and shell to keep the tails from curling when you cook them.

