Smoked cheese: advice for next time

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Doug D

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I smoked some cheese a couple days ago, and am not altogether satisfied with the results. Here's what I did: 1/2 lb. each of mild cheddar, swiss, and provolone. A few used briquet pieces lit for fire. A small chunk of pecan wood - no bark, not soaked. I smoked for a total of ninety minutes (yes, probably too long), with temps that varied from 90-114*. The last 30 minutes were from 90* down to 77, as the fire and wood exhausted, with the vents all closed.

Later that evening, the cheese was sampled. By itself, it was judged too smoky. With crackers, it was OK. The cheddar, sliced, on a cheeseburger was pretty good. But, 24 hours later, all 3 had developed an unpleasant taste, which I can only characterize as tasting as if there was charcoal starter fluid involved (of course, there wasn't).

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has smoked cheese, both successfully and unsucessfully, to develop a feel for what to do and what to avoid.

Should I have soaked the wood? Not used pecan wood? Used different cheese? Less smoke time is a given.

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